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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/11/16
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/11/16

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Kenn Basler, Chairperson, Steve Weisz and Carol Edelman

Also in attendance: Richard Jaffe, Emily Johnson, Bob Lazzarini, Shawn Tryon, Ray Tryon

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
1.  Richard Jaffe came in to review and discuss the proposed final draft for the Lake Garfield Working Group’s mission statement.  Richard had questions about how the 4 public at large will be chosen and if there will there be a vetting process.  The Board is still considering all the factors that will go into the appointment process but agreed that those 4 candidates will need to be registered voters of Monterey.  All committee members will need to be physically present at the meetings which may go through the winter and will need to agree with the mission statement.
2.  Richard Jaffe inquired about the status of the new lake tax district.  He understands that the state is requiring a certified copy of the vote taken at the special town meeting but the Town Clerk has not yet done this; Kenn will follow up with the Clerk and Mike Germain.
3.  Richard Jaffe inquired about what Mt. Washington is doing with regards to Broadband and why can’t Monterey do the same.  Steve explained that they opted out of receiving the funds available if a town uses MBI; Monterey has just started the process with MBI and are making great strides.
4.  Discussion ensued about the reappointments and whether or not the Clerk had a plan to swear everyone in; it’s our understanding that if the appointed position is one you have continuously served on you do not need to get re-sworn in.  Kenn will double check when he meets with the Clerk tomorrow.
5.  The Board will meet with the Finance Committee on Wednesday to discuss and approve/disapprove all the FY16 year end transfers that need to be made.
6.  Carol inquired about a designated spot to dispose of lake weeds pulled off boats and properties.  Discussion ensued about having a location at the beach and transfer station as well as better education of homeowners around the lake.
7.  The Board was informed that the FLG have requested to withdraw their NOI with the Conservation Commission which will be voted on at the meeting tomorrow night.
8.  The Board accepted and signed the FY17 annual contract for the Police Chief.
9.  The Board approved the offer letters to Grant Writers; Alicia Couture, Dennis Lynch and Terry Walker.
10.  A motion was made to extend the existing gravel and machinery contracts through June 30, 2017.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
11.  Kenn is working with the Treasurer to get the credit card system up and running for the transfer station.  Steve noted that he forwarded an email from the credit card company inquiring about our set up status and new contact person.
12.  Kenn reported on the progress of a joint grant applied for with Gould Farm for composting.
13.  New transfer station update: The plan is to backfill this week at the new transfer station and then MD Amstead will come build the structure – should be completed in 3 – 4 weeks and then we will just need to purchase the new bins.
14.  Bob Lazzarini has been going through several years of assessors records that were brought to town hall from the highway garage.  They are currently in the hallway blocking access; Bob is looking for space to store 6 boxes of records.  Steve volunteered to assist with this matter and shared that he is hoping grant monies will be found to build a separate building which may serve double duty to house the equipment for the broadband electronics (required) when that moves forward.
15.  Bob Lazzarini is going to need to do more work to get the map that Steve is looking for, for the Broadband Committee.
16.  Cell tower update – Steve reported that the representative of the Cell Tower company will be meeting with Con Comm tomorrow to update them on the project. If no changes are required, they will then be moving forward with the Building Inspector under the permit extension act.  Construction of the road to the Cell Tower will take about 6 weeks once a contractor is chosen and the hope is that it will be operational by year end.
17.  Town Administrator - The Board agreed that they liked parts of the job description used by the Town of Lanesborough and will give a list of other essential functions for M. Noe to compile into one description that fits Monterey.  It was mentioned that moving the records room to another location will also solve the office space issue and provide a space for a Town Admin once one is hired.
18.  Administrative Assistant’s weekly report was reviewed.
19.  Payroll and vendor warrants were signed.
20.  The minutes from 7/5/16 were approved with amendments.
21.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  A letter from Pat Salomon regarding last week’s discussion about the Lake Garfield Committee to be formed.
b.  Letter from the Library Trustee Chair commending the highway crew for their excellent work with the perc test they assisted with.

The Board met with Director of Operations/Fire Chief, Shawn Tryon to discuss the following:
1.  The Fire Company is requesting 3 – temporary 4x8 signs announcing the Steak Roast.  A motion was made to approve the request to post 3 signs which will be removed after the Steak Roast.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
2.  Steve inquired about relocating the improperly placed Stop Sign at the end of Tyringham Rd for better visuals and safety (People tend to “roll thru” the Stop Sign at that location).  Shawn noted that he already investigated this issue and concluded that there currently isn’t any other location to move it to.  The painted stop line is in the correct location and discussion was had about painting the words “STOP” at the line.
3.  Steve inquired about who was out performing the pole survey and for what purpose.  The Police will be asked to stop and ask the next time he sees them.
4.  The RT 23 resurfacing project is progressing well.
5.  Shawn was approached by Gould Farm about laying fiber optic lines in the town right of way and whether or not they could run these lines under the highway.  Steve is going to speak with Gould Farm for more information.  Steve did remind the Board that private fiber-optic lines will take up already limited space on the utility poles and, if space has been used up before the town is ready, it may prove very costly & difficult for the town to provide Broadband to everyone.  Kenn is going to contact National Grid and request that we be notified when there are any requests for spots on the poles.
6.  Library dam – the Board has added this to the grant needs list that will be sent to the grant writers being offered the position.  Shawn also noted that the one currently out there has been extended.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:08am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

cc: Website (
Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk